Top 12 Home Improvement Blogs You Should Follow

Are you ready to transform your living space? Whether you’re looking to tackle a major renovation or just want to spruce up a room, the right home improvement blogs can provide endless inspiration and practical advice. Here’s a list of the top 12 home improvement blogs you should follow to keep your DIY dreams alive.

1. MH Blogg

MH Blogg is a comprehensive resource for home improvement enthusiasts. Covering a wide array of topics from interior design and DIY projects to renovation tips and tricks, MH Blogg offers valuable insights and inspiration for anyone looking to enhance their home. Their expert advice and detailed tutorials make home improvement projects manageable and enjoyable.

2. Young House Love

Young House Love, created by John and Sherry Petersik, is a treasure trove of DIY projects, home decorating ideas, and renovation advice. Their blog is filled with step-by-step tutorials, before-and-after photos, and budget-friendly tips that make home improvement accessible for everyone.

3. This Old House

This Old House is an iconic name in the world of home renovation. Their blog offers expert advice on everything from home repairs to full-scale renovations. With a focus on craftsmanship and quality, This Old House provides reliable, detailed information for homeowners looking to improve their space.

4. The Inspired Room

Melissa Michaels, the voice behind The Inspired Room, shares her passion for creating beautiful and functional living spaces. Her blog offers decorating tips, organizational hacks, and home improvement ideas that help you create a cozy and stylish home without breaking the bank.

5. Remodelaholic

Remodelaholic is a must-follow for anyone interested in creative and budget-friendly home improvement projects. Cassity and her team share detailed tutorials, design ideas, and practical advice for remodeling and decorating your home, making it a valuable resource for DIY enthusiasts.

6. House Beautiful

House Beautiful’s blog is a go-to source for interior design inspiration and home improvement tips. With stunning visuals and expert advice, they cover everything from small space solutions to major renovation projects, helping you turn your house into a beautiful and functional home.

7. The Spruce

The Spruce offers a wealth of information on home improvement, decorating, and gardening. Their blog features practical how-tos, inspiring ideas, and expert advice to help you tackle any home project with confidence. It’s a great resource for both beginners and seasoned DIYers.

8. Apartment Therapy

Apartment Therapy focuses on making the most out of small spaces and urban living. Their blog is packed with decorating tips, DIY projects, and home improvement advice that are perfect for apartment dwellers and anyone looking to maximize their living space.

9. Bob Vila

Bob Vila is a household name in home improvement, and his blog lives up to his reputation. Offering expert advice on repairs, renovations, and DIY projects, Bob Vila’s blog is a comprehensive resource for homeowners looking to improve their space with confidence.

10. Home BNC

Home BNC is a fantastic source of inspiration for home decor and improvement ideas. Their blog features stunning design ideas, DIY tutorials, and renovation tips that cater to a wide range of styles and budgets, making it a great resource for any homeowner.

11. Addicted 2 Decorating

Kristi, the blogger behind Addicted 2 Decorating, shares her journey of transforming her home with DIY projects and creative renovations. Her blog offers detailed tutorials, budget-friendly tips, and inspiring before-and-after photos that motivate readers to tackle their own home improvement projects.

12. Homey Improvements

Homey Improvements, run by James and Alicia, covers a wide range of home improvement topics, from DIY projects to gardening tips. Their blog provides practical advice, step-by-step tutorials, and eco-friendly ideas that help homeowners create a comfortable and sustainable living space.

These top 12 home improvement blogs are sure to provide you with the inspiration and guidance you need to transform your living space. Happy renovating

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